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Korea, China anticipated to conclude FTA negotiations 정부 고위 당국자, "한중 FTA
Korea-China FTA: details & effects 한중 FTA 세부 합의 사항, 기대효과는?
ARIRANG NEWS 10:00 Korea, China anticipated to conclude FTA negotiations
S.Korea, China conclude negotiations on free trade agreement / YTN
Leaders of Korea, China announce actual conclusion of FTA talks 한중 정상회담: FTA
ARIRANG NEWS 14:00 Korea, China announce conclusion of bilateral FTA
NEWSLINE AT NOON 12:00 Leaders of Korea, China announce actual conclusion of FTA talks
Facts & Figures: Pros & Cons of Korea-China FTA
Korea, China hold 14th round of FTA talks 한-중 14번째 FTA
Korea, China announce conclusion of bilateral FTA 한중 정상회담: FTA 실질적 타결
DAY BREAK 06:00 Leaders of Korea, China announce conclusion of FTA, to discuss FM meeting with Japan
Korea-China summit talks accelerates FTA negotiations 한중 FTA 협상 가속화, 통화 스와프 연장키로